Software Library API naibrd 1.62
See all documentation at
Channel Configuration Functions


NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetDataRate (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_ar_datarate_t datarate)
 Sets the ARINC channel data rate to high or low speed.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetDataRate (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_ar_datarate_t *outdatarate)
 Gets the ARINC channel data rate.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetParityAsData (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_ar_parity_t parityasdata)
 Sets the parity mode of the specified channel. The Parity As Data Enable bit when set to Disabled, causes Arinc bit 32 to be treated as an odd parity bit. The transmitter calculates the Arinc odd parity bit and transmits it as bit 32. The receiver will check the received Arinc word for odd parity and will flag an error if is not. When set to Enabled, parity generation and checking will be disabled and both the transmitter and receiver will treat Arinc bit 32 as data and send the data word with no parity.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetParityAsData (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_ar_parity_t *outparityasdata)
 Gets the parity mode of the specified channel. The Parity As Data Enable bit when set to Disabled, causes Arinc bit 32 to be treated as an odd parity bit. The transmitter calculates the Arinc odd parity bit and transmits it as bit 32. The receiver will check the received Arinc word for odd parity and will flag an error if is not. When set to Enabled, parity generation and checking will be disabled and both the transmitter and receiver will treat Arinc bit 32 as data and send the data word with no parity.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetBITdisable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_ar_bit_disable_t BITdisable)
 Enables or disables Built-in-Test of the channel specified.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetTxBITdisable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_ar_bit_disable_t BITdisable)
 Enables or disables Tx Built-in-Test of the channel specified (AR-568 and AR-579 only).
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetRxBITdisable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_ar_bit_disable_t BITdisable)
 Enables or disables Tx Built-in-Test of the channel specified (AR-568 and AR-579 only).
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetBITdisable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_ar_bit_disable_t *outBITdisable)
 Reads the Built-in-Test Enable / Disable status of the channel specified.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetTxBITdisable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_ar_bit_disable_t *outBITdisable)
 Reads the Tx Built-in-Test Enable / Disable status of the channel specified (AR-568 and AR-579 only).
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetRxBITdisable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_ar_bit_disable_t *outBITdisable)
 Reads the Rx Built-in-Test Enable / Disable status of the channel specified (AR-568 and AR-579 only).
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetRxFifoThreshold (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, int32_t rxfifothreshold)
 Sets the receive FIFO threshold of the channel specified to a number between 0 and 255.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetRxFifoThresholds (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, int32_t aethreshold, int32_t afthreshold)
 Sets the receive FIFO almost empty and almost full thresholds of the channel specified to a number between 0 and 1023.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetRxFifoThreshold (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, int32_t *outrxfifothreshold)
 Reads the receive FIFO threshold of the channel specified.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetRxFifoThresholds (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, int32_t *outaethreshold, int32_t *outafthreshold)
 Reads the receive Almost Empty and Almost Full FIFO thresholds of the channel specified.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetRxFifoSize (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, int32_t rxfifosize)
 Set the receive FIFO/Circular Buffer size (1 to 255) of the channel specified.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetRxFifoSize (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, int32_t *outrxfifosize)
 Get the receive FIFO/Circular Buffer size of the channel specified.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetRxMode (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_ar_rx_mode_t rxmode)
 Sets the receive mode of the channel.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetRxMode (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_ar_rx_mode_t *outrxmode)
 Gets the receive mode of the channel.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetRxFifoBounded (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t enable)
 Enables or disables Bounded Rx FIFO mode. If Bounded Rx FIFO is enabled, after the FIFO is full, the circuitry will block additional writes to the FIFO. If Bounded Rx FIFO is disabled, after the FIFO is full, the new data will overwrite the oldest value in the FIFO, essentially behaving like a circular FIFO.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetRxFifoBounded (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t *outenable)
 Reads the enabled / disabled state of the Bounded Rx FIFO configuration option. If Bounded Rx FIFO is enabled, after the FIFO is full, the circuitry will block additional writes to the FIFO. If Bounded Rx FIFO is disabled, after the FIFO is full, the new data will overwrite the oldest value in the FIFO, essentially behaving like a circular FIFO.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetRxStoreErrorDisable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_ar_store_on_error_disable_t storedisable)
 Enables or disables Receiver store on error for the channel specified.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetRxStoreErrorDisable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_ar_store_on_error_disable_t *outstoredisable)
 Reads the receiver store on error status of the channel specified.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetBITErrorThreshold (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, uint32_t biterrorthreshold)
 Set the BIT Error Threshold (number at which the BIT error count causes a BIT error). AR-568 and AR-579 only.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetBITErrorThreshold (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, uint32_t *outbiterrorthreshold)
 Get the BIT Error Threshold (number at which the BIT error count causes a BIT error). AR-568 and AR-579 only.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetTxFifoThreshold (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, int32_t txfifothreshold)
 Sets the transmit FIFO threshold of the channel specified to a number between 0 and 255.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetTxFifoThresholds (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, int32_t aethreshold, int32_t afthreshold)
 Sets the transmit FIFO threshold of the channel specified to a number between 0 and 1023.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetTxFifoThreshold (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, int32_t *outtxfifothreshold)
 Reads the transmit FIFO threshold of the channel specified.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetTxFifoThresholds (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, int32_t *outaethreshold, int32_t *outafthreshold)
 Reads the transmit FIFO threshold of the channel specified.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetTxFifoBounded (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t enable)
 Enables or disables Bounded Tx FIFO mode. If Bounded Tx FIFO is enabled, after the FIFO is full, the circuitry will block additional writes to the FIFO. If Bounded Tx FIFO is disabled, after the FIFO is full, the new data will overwrite the oldest value in the FIFO, essentially behaving like a circular FIFO.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetTxFifoBounded (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t *outenable)
 Reads the enabled / disabled state of the Bounded Tx FIFO configuration option. If Bounded Tx FIFO is enabled, after the FIFO is full, the circuitry will block additional writes to the FIFO. If Bounded Tx FIFO is disabled, after the FIFO is full, the new data will overwrite the oldest value in the FIFO, essentially behaving like a circular FIFO.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetTxIntervalRate (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, int32_t txrate)
 Sets the Transmit Interval rate of the channel. This is the Gap time (in bit time) between transmitted ARINC messages in FIFO transmit modes. Rates less than 4 are not valid.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetTxIntervalRate (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, int32_t *outtxrate)
 Reads the Transmit Interval rate of the channel. This is the Gap time (in bit time) between transmitted ARINC messages in FIFO transmit modes.

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetTxSendMode (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_ar_tx_mode_t txsendmode)
 Sets the Transmit mode of the channel.

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetTxSendMode (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_ar_tx_mode_t *outtxsendmode)
 Reads the Transmit mode of the channel.
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetTxRiseAndFallTime (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_ar_slope_control_t txrisefalltime)
 Set the rise/fall time of the ARINC transmitter (AR-579 only).
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetTxRiseAndFallTime (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, nai_ar_slope_control_t *outtxrisefalltime)
 Reads the currently set rise/fall time of the ARINC transmitter (AR-579 only).
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_Set568LoopbackEnable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t enable)
 Enable or disable the Tx Loopback option of the 568 channel specified (AR-568 only).
NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_Get568LoopbackEnable (int32_t cardIndex, int32_t module, int32_t channel, bool_t *outenable)
 Reads the Tx Loopback enabled status of the 568 channel specified (AR-568 only).

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ naibrd_AR_Get568LoopbackEnable()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_Get568LoopbackEnable ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
bool_t * outenable )

Reads the Tx Loopback enabled status of the 568 channel specified (AR-568 only).

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outenable: (Output) 1 = loopback enabled, 0 = loopback disabled.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_GetBITdisable()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetBITdisable ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
nai_ar_bit_disable_t * outBITdisable )

Reads the Built-in-Test Enable / Disable status of the channel specified.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outBITdisable: (Output) BIT Disabled (AR_BIT_DISABLE) or Enable (AR_BIT_ENABLE).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_GetBITErrorThreshold()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetBITErrorThreshold ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
uint32_t * outbiterrorthreshold )

Get the BIT Error Threshold (number at which the BIT error count causes a BIT error). AR-568 and AR-579 only.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outbiterrorthreshold: (Output) BIT Error Threshold.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_GetDataRate()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetDataRate ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
nai_ar_datarate_t * outdatarate )

Gets the ARINC channel data rate.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outdatarate: (Output) ARINC Data Rate.
   Low speed (12.5K to 14.5K bps)         AR_SPEED_LOW
   High speed (100K bps)                  AR_SPEED_HIGH    
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_GetParityAsData()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetParityAsData ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
nai_ar_parity_t * outparityasdata )

Gets the parity mode of the specified channel. The Parity As Data Enable bit when set to Disabled, causes Arinc bit 32 to be treated as an odd parity bit. The transmitter calculates the Arinc odd parity bit and transmits it as bit 32. The receiver will check the received Arinc word for odd parity and will flag an error if is not. When set to Enabled, parity generation and checking will be disabled and both the transmitter and receiver will treat Arinc bit 32 as data and send the data word with no parity.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outparityasdata: (Output) Parity as Data Enabled (AR_PAR_NONE) or Disable (AR_PAR_ODD).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_GetRxBITdisable()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetRxBITdisable ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
nai_ar_bit_disable_t * outBITdisable )

Reads the Rx Built-in-Test Enable / Disable status of the channel specified (AR-568 and AR-579 only).

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outBITdisable: (Output) BIT Disabled (AR_BIT_DISABLE) or Enable (AR_BIT_ENABLE).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_GetRxFifoBounded()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetRxFifoBounded ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
bool_t * outenable )

Reads the enabled / disabled state of the Bounded Rx FIFO configuration option. If Bounded Rx FIFO is enabled, after the FIFO is full, the circuitry will block additional writes to the FIFO. If Bounded Rx FIFO is disabled, after the FIFO is full, the new data will overwrite the oldest value in the FIFO, essentially behaving like a circular FIFO.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outenable: (Output) Disabled (0) or Enabled (1).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_GetRxFifoSize()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetRxFifoSize ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
int32_t * outrxfifosize )

Get the receive FIFO/Circular Buffer size of the channel specified.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outrxfifosize: (Output) Rx FIFO/Circular Buffer size.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_GetRxFifoThreshold()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetRxFifoThreshold ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
int32_t * outrxfifothreshold )

Reads the receive FIFO threshold of the channel specified.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outrxfifothreshold: (Output) Threshold value (0 - 255).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_GetRxFifoThresholds()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetRxFifoThresholds ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
int32_t * outaethreshold,
int32_t * outafthreshold )

Reads the receive Almost Empty and Almost Full FIFO thresholds of the channel specified.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outaethreshold: (Output) Almost Empty Threshold value (0 - 1023).
outafthreshold: (Output) Almost Full Threshold value (0 - 1023).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_GetRxMode()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetRxMode ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
nai_ar_rx_mode_t * outrxmode )

Gets the receive mode of the channel.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outrxmode: (Output) Receive FIFO Mode (AR_RX_FIFO_MODE) or Receive Mailbox Mode (AR_RX_MBOX_MODE).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_GetRxStoreErrorDisable()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetRxStoreErrorDisable ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
nai_ar_store_on_error_disable_t * outstoredisable )

Reads the receiver store on error status of the channel specified.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outstoredisable: (Output) Disabled (1) or Enabled (0).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_GetTxBITdisable()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetTxBITdisable ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
nai_ar_bit_disable_t * outBITdisable )

Reads the Tx Built-in-Test Enable / Disable status of the channel specified (AR-568 and AR-579 only).

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outBITdisable: (Output) BIT Disabled (AR_BIT_DISABLE) or Enable (AR_BIT_ENABLE).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_GetTxFifoBounded()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetTxFifoBounded ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
bool_t * outenable )

Reads the enabled / disabled state of the Bounded Tx FIFO configuration option. If Bounded Tx FIFO is enabled, after the FIFO is full, the circuitry will block additional writes to the FIFO. If Bounded Tx FIFO is disabled, after the FIFO is full, the new data will overwrite the oldest value in the FIFO, essentially behaving like a circular FIFO.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outenable: (Output) Disabled (0) or Enabled (1).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_GetTxFifoThreshold()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetTxFifoThreshold ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
int32_t * outtxfifothreshold )

Reads the transmit FIFO threshold of the channel specified.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outtxfifothreshold: (Output) Tx FIFO threshold value.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_GetTxFifoThresholds()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetTxFifoThresholds ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
int32_t * outaethreshold,
int32_t * outafthreshold )

Reads the transmit FIFO threshold of the channel specified.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outaethreshold: (Output) Tx Almost Empty FIFO threshold value.
outafthreshold: (Output) Tx Almost Full FIFO threshold value.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_GetTxIntervalRate()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetTxIntervalRate ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
int32_t * outtxrate )

Reads the Transmit Interval rate of the channel. This is the Gap time (in bit time) between transmitted ARINC messages in FIFO transmit modes.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outtxrate: (Output) Transmit interval rate.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_GetTxRiseAndFallTime()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetTxRiseAndFallTime ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
nai_ar_slope_control_t * outtxrisefalltime )

Reads the currently set rise/fall time of the ARINC transmitter (AR-579 only).

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outtxrisefalltime: (Output) 1 = 1.5 us rise/fall time, 0 = 10 us rise/fall time.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_GetTxSendMode()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_GetTxSendMode ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
nai_ar_tx_mode_t * outtxsendmode )

Reads the Transmit mode of the channel.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
outtxsendmode: (Output) Tx mode.
   Immediate FIFO Mode        AR_TX_SENDMODE_IMMED
   Scheduled Mode             AR_TX_SENDMODE_SCHED
   Triggered FIFO Mode        AR_TX_SENDMODE_TRGF
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_Set568LoopbackEnable()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_Set568LoopbackEnable ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
bool_t enable )

Enable or disable the Tx Loopback option of the 568 channel specified (AR-568 only).

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
enable: (Input) 1 = enable loopback, 0 = disable loopback.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_SetBITdisable()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetBITdisable ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
nai_ar_bit_disable_t BITdisable )

Enables or disables Built-in-Test of the channel specified.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
BITdisable: (Input) BIT Disable (AR_BIT_DISABLE) or Enable (AR_BIT_ENABLE).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_SetBITErrorThreshold()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetBITErrorThreshold ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
uint32_t biterrorthreshold )

Set the BIT Error Threshold (number at which the BIT error count causes a BIT error). AR-568 and AR-579 only.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
biterrorthreshold: (Input) BIT Error Threshold.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_SetDataRate()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetDataRate ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
nai_ar_datarate_t datarate )

Sets the ARINC channel data rate to high or low speed.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
datarate: (Input) ARINC Data Rate.
   Low speed (12.5K to 14.5K bps)         AR_SPEED_LOW
   High speed (100K bps)                  AR_SPEED_HIGH       
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_SetParityAsData()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetParityAsData ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
nai_ar_parity_t parityasdata )

Sets the parity mode of the specified channel. The Parity As Data Enable bit when set to Disabled, causes Arinc bit 32 to be treated as an odd parity bit. The transmitter calculates the Arinc odd parity bit and transmits it as bit 32. The receiver will check the received Arinc word for odd parity and will flag an error if is not. When set to Enabled, parity generation and checking will be disabled and both the transmitter and receiver will treat Arinc bit 32 as data and send the data word with no parity.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
parityasdata: (Input) Parity as Data Enable (AR_PAR_NONE) or Disable (AR_PAR_ODD).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_SetRxBITdisable()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetRxBITdisable ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
nai_ar_bit_disable_t BITdisable )

Enables or disables Tx Built-in-Test of the channel specified (AR-568 and AR-579 only).

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
BITdisable: (Input) BIT Disable (AR_BIT_DISABLE) or Enable (AR_BIT_ENABLE).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_SetRxFifoBounded()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetRxFifoBounded ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
bool_t enable )

Enables or disables Bounded Rx FIFO mode. If Bounded Rx FIFO is enabled, after the FIFO is full, the circuitry will block additional writes to the FIFO. If Bounded Rx FIFO is disabled, after the FIFO is full, the new data will overwrite the oldest value in the FIFO, essentially behaving like a circular FIFO.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
enable: (Input) Disable (0) or Enable (1).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_SetRxFifoSize()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetRxFifoSize ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
int32_t rxfifosize )

Set the receive FIFO/Circular Buffer size (1 to 255) of the channel specified.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
rxfifosize: (Input) Rx FIFO/Circular Buffer size (1 - 255).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE when invalid rxfifosize is supplied.

◆ naibrd_AR_SetRxFifoThreshold()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetRxFifoThreshold ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
int32_t rxfifothreshold )

Sets the receive FIFO threshold of the channel specified to a number between 0 and 255.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
rxfifothreshold: (Input) Threshold value (0 - 255).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE when invalid rxfifothreshold value is supplied.

◆ naibrd_AR_SetRxFifoThresholds()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetRxFifoThresholds ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
int32_t aethreshold,
int32_t afthreshold )

Sets the receive FIFO almost empty and almost full thresholds of the channel specified to a number between 0 and 1023.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
aethreshold: (Input) Almost Empty Threshold value (0 - 1023).
afthreshold: (Input) Almost Full Threshold value (0 - 1023).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE when invalid aethreshold or afthreshold value is supplied.

◆ naibrd_AR_SetRxMode()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetRxMode ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
nai_ar_rx_mode_t rxmode )

Sets the receive mode of the channel.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
rxmode: (Input) Receive FIFO Mode (AR_RX_FIFO_MODE) or Receive Mailbox Mode (AR_RX_MBOX_MODE).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_SetRxStoreErrorDisable()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetRxStoreErrorDisable ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
nai_ar_store_on_error_disable_t storedisable )

Enables or disables Receiver store on error for the channel specified.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
storedisable: (Input) Disable (1) or Enable (0).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_SetTxBITdisable()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetTxBITdisable ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
nai_ar_bit_disable_t BITdisable )

Enables or disables Tx Built-in-Test of the channel specified (AR-568 and AR-579 only).

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
BITdisable: (Input) BIT Disable (AR_BIT_DISABLE) or Enable (AR_BIT_ENABLE).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_SetTxFifoBounded()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetTxFifoBounded ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
bool_t enable )

Enables or disables Bounded Tx FIFO mode. If Bounded Tx FIFO is enabled, after the FIFO is full, the circuitry will block additional writes to the FIFO. If Bounded Tx FIFO is disabled, after the FIFO is full, the new data will overwrite the oldest value in the FIFO, essentially behaving like a circular FIFO.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
enable: (Input) Disable (0) or Enable (1).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_SetTxFifoThreshold()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetTxFifoThreshold ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
int32_t txfifothreshold )

Sets the transmit FIFO threshold of the channel specified to a number between 0 and 255.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
txfifothreshold: (Input) Tx FIFO threshold value (0 - 255).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE when invalid txfifothreshold parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_SetTxFifoThresholds()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetTxFifoThresholds ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
int32_t aethreshold,
int32_t afthreshold )

Sets the transmit FIFO threshold of the channel specified to a number between 0 and 1023.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
aethreshold: (Input) Tx Almost Empty FIFO threshold value (0 - 1023).
afthreshold: (Input) Tx Almost Full FIFO threshold value (0 - 1023).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE when invalid txfifothreshold parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_SetTxIntervalRate()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetTxIntervalRate ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
int32_t txrate )

Sets the Transmit Interval rate of the channel. This is the Gap time (in bit time) between transmitted ARINC messages in FIFO transmit modes. Rates less than 4 are not valid.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
txrate: (Input) Transmit interval rate (0x00004 - 0xFFFFF).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE when invalid txrate parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_SetTxRiseAndFallTime()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetTxRiseAndFallTime ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
nai_ar_slope_control_t txrisefalltime )

Set the rise/fall time of the ARINC transmitter (AR-579 only).

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
txrisefalltime: (Input) Set slope control (1 = 1.5 us rise/fall time, 0 = 10 us rise/fall time).
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.

◆ naibrd_AR_SetTxSendMode()

NAIBRDFUNC nai_status_t NAIAPI naibrd_AR_SetTxSendMode ( int32_t cardIndex,
int32_t module,
int32_t channel,
nai_ar_tx_mode_t txsendmode )

Sets the Transmit mode of the channel.

cardIndex: (Input) Logical Card Index assigned to connect with the NAI_BOARD (0 - NAI_MAX_CARDS-1).
module: (Input) Module Number of the module to access (1 - [max modules for board]).
channel: (Input) Channel Number of the channel to access (1 - [max channels for module]).
txsendmode: (Input) Tx mode.
   Immediate FIFO Mode        AR_TX_SENDMODE_IMMED
   Scheduled Mode             AR_TX_SENDMODE_SCHED
   Triggered FIFO Mode        AR_TX_SENDMODE_TRGF
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CARD when invalid card parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE when invalid module parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL when invalid channel parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE when invalid txsendmode parameter is specified.
  • NAI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when function is not supported.